What You Need to Know About Ingrown Hair Cyst?

Human is mammals. And because we evolve from animals, our body has all characteristics of mammals, including body hair. The hair is distributed in every area with different densities, and each individual has more hair. And we definitely heard about “ingrown hair cyst.” It is annoying and sometimes painful. But ignoring the cyst is not a good idea, or else your health will get into trouble. Let’s look at the problem and find a way to deal with it.

What is Ingrown Hair Cyst?

An ingrown hair cyst occurs when curly hair changes direction and penetrates the scalp. After that, the hair follicle is stuck with debris like dead skin cells, while the hair still grows under the skin. Finally, a new bump containing hair appears on your skin. The cyst also contains pus and gets bigger boils day by day. If there is no appropriate identification and interference, you might have a pain and itching feeling caused by an ingrown hair cyst. The worst case of developing an ingrown hair cyst is an infection, and it is really a big problem.

What is the standard location of Ingrown Hair Cysts?

Theoretically, every hair follicle can take the risk of being an ingrown hair cyst. But in reality, there are several leading causes of ingrown hair cysts; therefore, the area which is more likely covered by hair, such as the scalp, face, armpit, pubic area, above the buttock, or around the anus in both men and women, especially beard area in many gentlemen.

Some people mistake ingrown hair for a cyst.

Symptoms of Ingrown Hair Cyst

As mentioned, some people mistake ingrown hair cysts and other cysts caused by infection and inflammation. Therefore, the symptoms of an ingrown hair cyst are precisely the same as the three symptoms of inflammation:

  • Swelling: The debris and oil stay in the hair follicle with ingrown hair, making the cyst bigger and bigger daily so that you and other people can realize its appearance.
  • Redness: The increasing size of a cyst leads to the dilation of vessels and redness on the surface of your skin
  • Pain and tenderness:  The stretching of skin because of inflammation and a breach in the epithelium lining causes this bother symptom- pain.
  • Pus discharge: Pus discharge is a typical sign of infection, and it needs interference as soon as possible.

Home remedies for Ingrown Hair Cysts

Finding consultation from professionals and taking medicines are always recommended for you. But home remedies for ingrown hair cysts are another effective solution if your condition is not that bad.

Green tea

Green tea is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic contents. Mix a few drops of green tea juice and water, then wash the affected area with it daily to fight off the inflammatory condition and cleanse your pores effectively.

Aloe Vera

Its healing, and anti-inflammatory abilities make Aloe Vera precious for skin problems. Put its gel on the cyst directly, then gently massage the affected area. Rinse with clean lukewarm water. Clean and smooth skin is the excellent result that you should expect.


A mixture of sugar and jojoba oil helps remove the debris and force the ingrown hair out of your skin efficiently. Apply this method 3 times a week is a good way to soothe ingrown hair cysts.

Black tea bag

Moistening the tea bag and rubbing it over the cyst for a few minutes is the best way to reduce the swelling and irritation caused by an ingrown hair cyst.


A saline solution not only eliminates waste but also stimulates blood circulation to help pull out ingrown hair quickly. Using a cotton ball dipped in the salt solution to cover the cyst for several minutes daily is a perfect method to get rid of ingrown hair cysts.

An ingrown hair cyst actually does not affect many aspects of your life. But the sooner treatment to prevent infection is necessary. Hope you find an appropriate solution for your ingrown hair cyst.